Thursday 11 October 2018

Different Types Of Photography

Music Photography

Music Photographers shoot live concerts, band promo photos and portraits of Musicians for use by media outlets or the bands themselves. They also edit their photos using different filters and editing software.They tend to use a different array of filters.

Why I like this image?

This is photograph was taken by Andy Deluca. I like this photograph because It is of my favourite band by one of my favourite photographers, I also think the camera work and angel works perfect with the light. I like the lenses and effects he has used.

Fashion Photography

In the world of photography, Fashion Photography is one of the most sought after careers since it is one of the most highly paid jobs. Fashion photographers are sought out to create portfolios for budding and experienced models. Fashion Photographers are described like the gateway to the glamour world.  

Why I like this image?

I like this photograph because of the colours in it and the colour filters they have used to create this image, I think the lighting looks professional and well done.

Wedding Photography

The best moments of your life can be captured by wedding photographers, they use high quality lenses and creative lighting. 

Why I like this image?

I like this image because its simple and beautiful, the lighting looks amazing and it highlights the couple perfectly. I like how the rain is falling around them.

Travel Photography

People who love to travel can become amazing travelling photographers. They usually shoot while having fun and also have an eye for detail. Different country traditions can be seen through the travel photography.

Why I like this image?

I like this image because of the way the lighting looks and how it refelects against the water. I like the filter/effect used and how quite and calm it looks while still been the evening time.

Wildlife photography

Wildlife photography is a challenging style of photography as the photographer should have good field expertise. Also it takes a lot of patience, correct angle and sense of timing is required for the perfect shot as wildlife moves fast.

Why I like this image?

I like this image because its of my favourite animal and I also love how the background is blurred out and just focuses on the animal and the grass, the colours blend perfectly.

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