Thursday 21 March 2019

I have checked with my peers and I have infected finished everything.

So here is the proof of it.

What went well?:

My feedback showed me that I am confident and executed my work well. I enjoyed making the gifs and photoshop work, because it was the easiest and most fun to do.  I enjoyed using adobe photoshop, and I enjoyed turning Ryan into a fashion rat and James into a rattlesnake. I learnt how to make a gif.

What didn't go well?:

I missed a few lessons and find it hard to concentrate. I struggled a little with the audio part and using audacity, I also struggled with uploading my track to Soundcloud. I also found it hard to explain clearly how i did something, i am not good at explain.

Thursday 7 March 2019

My Final Post

I have now completed everything I set out to achieve for this blog, and this is my final post.